OpenEdition: four platforms for electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences: OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, Hypotheses, Calenda

OpenEdition: four platforms for electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences: OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, Hypotheses, Calenda

OpenEdition gathers OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, and Calenda, four platforms dedicated to electronic resources in the humanities and social ...


OpenEdition gathers OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, and Calenda, four platforms dedicated to electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences. OpenEdition est un portail de ressources électroniques en sciences humaines et sociales (OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, Hypothèses, Calenda).

Overview of Content Provided

The content covers excerpts from various academic books and articles, including conclusions, epilogues, and final remarks from the authors. The topics span a diverse range, including oral literature in Africa, America-Islam relations, post-Soviet conflicts, Andean urban studies, French communism, late antiquity, and more.

Key points:

  • Ruth Finnegan concludes her seminal work Oral Literature in Africa by reflecting on the diversity yet unifying power of oral tradition across the African continent. She calls for further collection and study of oral literature to understand human culture.
  • In the conclusion of Salam America, Aminah Mohammad-Arif discusses the multifaceted relationship between America and the Islamic world. She highlights the heterogeneity within both, and advocates nuanced cross-cultural engagement and understanding.
  • Xavier Follebouckt’s epilogue to Les conflits gelés de l’espace postsoviétique examines the persistent “freezing” of conflicts in the post-Soviet sphere despite predictions of thawing. He analyzes obstacles to conflict resolution and argues for contextualized, multilateral approaches.
  • In an excerpt from her book on Andean urban history, Ximena Soruco Sologuren analyzes the development of La Paz, Bolivia as a predominately indigenous city. She highlights the importance of indigenous culture, politics, and demographics in shaping the city’s unique character.
  • Jean-Claude Lahaxe’s conclusion to his work on French communism evaluates the Marseille federation’s declining strength by the late 1940s, as well as its lasting cultural legacy on the city. He reflects on communist organizational structures and leadership.

In summary, the excerpts showcase diverse scholarly perspectives on international topics in the humanities and social sciences. The authors’ concluding remarks highlight key arguments and themes while reflecting on avenues for future research.

OpenEdition: four platforms for electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences: OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, Hypotheses, Calenda



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