Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world’s best business and management experts.
Article Summary
The Latest
- Why a Single Source of Truth Belongs at the Heart of a Midsize Finance Strategy (Finance strategy)
- Worker Safety Needs to Be Central to Your Company’s Operations (Operations and supply chain management)
- How Do I Handle a Bad Boss? (Interpersonal communication)
- How AI Can Help Cut Energy Costs While Meeting Ambitious ESG Goals (Environmental sustainability)
- How the Best Chief Data Officers Create Value (Technology and analytics)
- How to Compete with a Fast-Growing Disruptor (Strategy)
- The Myth of the CEO as Ultimate Decision Maker (Leadership)
- How AI is Transforming the Field of Radiology (Technology and analytics)
The New Age of Operations
- How Smaller Companies Can Bring Manufacturing Closer to Home (Operations strategy)
- 3 Steps to Prepare Your Supply Chain for the Next Crisis (Operations and supply chain management)
- Change Organizational Culture From the Top Down (Organizational culture)
Key Topics
- Finance strategy
- Operations and supply chain management
- Interpersonal communication
- Environmental sustainability
- Technology and analytics
- Leadership
- Organizational culture
I focused on summarizing the article titles and topics in a concise table format, removing any extraneous details. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand the summary in any way.

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