Popular Mechanics – Product Reviews, How-To, Space, Military, Math, Science, and New Technology

Popular Mechanics – Product Reviews, How-To, Space, Military, Math, Science, and New Technology

Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world, whether it's practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digita...


Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world, whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science.

Title: Overview of Recent Space and Science News

  • There are likely alien civilizations in the cosmos due to the vast distances and number of stars and age of the galaxy.
  • Saudi Arabia is building a linear city that doesn’t make practical sense.
  • Ashes can be turned into diamonds through a chemical process.
  • The Dark Eagle hypersonic missile program is facing setbacks and may not happen.
  • Fire extinguishers should be used in a certain way for maximum effectiveness.
  • The Manhattan Project developed the first nuclear weapons during World War 2.
  • The largest lithium reserve may be in the US, which could be key for batteries.
  • A UAW strike could impact car prices and availability.
  • The Y chromosome has finally been sequenced.
  • A new photo may provide clues in the Earhart disappearance mystery.
  • DIY projects: How to make a smoker from a barrel.
  • Why certain military planes and tanks are noteworthy and “badass.”
  • Math topics: How M.C. Escher created geometric art without formal training, using geometry in science, how IQ testing reinforces class divides, unsolved hard math problems.
Popular Mechanics - Product Reviews, How-To, Space, Military, Math, Science, and New Technology



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