Looper | TV & Film News, Reviews, Interviews & Trailers

Looper | TV & Film News, Reviews, Interviews & Trailers

Looper | TV & Film News, Reviews, Interviews & Trailers


The latest film and TV news, movie trailers, exclusive interviews, reviews, as well as informed opinions on everything Hollywood has to offer.

Article Summary


  • A Buffy the Vampire Slayer sequel will team “Old Man Spike” with the last vampire slayer, Cordelia Chase.
  • Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom details: Release date, cast details, plot overview, and teaser trailer reaction.
  • Avatar 3 details: Release date, cast, plot overview.
  • Happy Gilmore: The fight scene between Adam Sandler and Bob Barker was even better behind the scenes.
  • Next Goal Wins review: A formulaic but very funny reverse-Ted Lasso movie.


  • Stranger Things topped by Netflix’s One Piece in a major streaming category.
  • Who sings “All Eyes on Me” in the Google NFL pre-game commercial?
  • A Star Trek Easter egg connects David Ogden Stiers’ episode to MAS*H.
  • The Challenge Season 39 details: Release date, cast, teaser overview.
  • Analysis of who is the main character in South Park sparks debate.


  • Ahsoka episode analysis: Connections to the World Between Worlds, force ghosts, and biblical references.
  • How Ahsoka quotes a famous Star Wars opening crawl line.


  • Stephen Graham Jones & Joshua Viola explore the horror of comic cons in True Believers.


  • The cutest part of Coach Andy Reid’s State Farm commercial.

Let me know if you would like me to expand or modify the summary further. I aimed to highlight key details from each section concisely.

Looper | TV & Film News, Reviews, Interviews & Trailers



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