Animal Encyclopedia With Facts, Pictures, Definitions, and More! – AZ Animals

Animal Encyclopedia With Facts, Pictures, Definitions, and More! – AZ Animals

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Animal Lists

List Examples
Mammals lions, tigers, bears
Reptiles lizards, snakes, turtles
Fish lampreys, salmon, tuna
Birds eagles, ducks, ostriches
Amphibians frogs, salamanders, newts

Animal Locations

Location Examples
African Animals lions, zebras, elephants
Asian Animals tigers, pandas, komodo dragons
Central American Animals jaguars, sloths, toucans
Eurasian Animals brown bears, camels, kestrels
European Animals wolves, otters, swallows
North American Animals bison, raccoons, bald eagles
Marine Animals whales, sea turtles, sharks
Oceanian Animals kangaroos, cassowaries, platypuses
South American Animals llamas, anacondas, macaws

IUCN Red List Categories

Category Definition
Extinct No living individuals exist
Extinct in the Wild Only surviving in captivity or cultivation
Critically Endangered Extremely high risk of extinction
Endangered Very high risk of extinction
Vulnerable High risk of extinction
Near Threatened Likely to become endangered
Least Concern Lowest risk – does not qualify for higher categories
Data Deficient Not enough data to make assessment
Not Evaluated Has not yet been evaluated

Animals by First Letter

Letter Examples
A Alligator, Ape, Albatross
B Bear, Butterfly, Bat
C Cougar, Crab, Crane
D Deer, Dolphin, Duck
E Eagle, Elephant, Eel
F Fox, Frog, Flamingo
G Gorilla, Gecko, Goose
H Hippo, Hawk, Horse
I Iguana, Impala, Ibis
J Jaguar, Jellyfish, Jay
K Kangaroo, Koala, Kiwi
L Lion, Lizard, Lemur
M Monkey, Mouse, Moose
N Newt, Nightingale, Narwhal
O Owl, Ostrich, Orca
P Penguin, Python, Panther
Q Quail, Quokka, Quoll
R Rabbit, Raccoon, Reindeer
S Snake, Seal, Swan
T Tiger, Turtle, Toucan
U Urchin, Uakari, Uguisu
V Vulture, Viper, Vicuna
W Wolf, Walrus, Whale
X X-ray Tetra, Xanclomys, Xantus hummingbird
Y Yak, Yellowjacket, Yakey-breasted Petrel
Z Zebra, Zorro, Zorilla
Animal Encyclopedia With Facts, Pictures, Definitions, and More! - AZ Animals



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