



学校概况 School Overview
学校介绍 School Introduction
学校领导 School Leadership
校标 School Badge
校训 School Motto
组织机构 Organizational Structure
专业设置 Program Offerings
校园剪影 Campus Snapshots
学校宣传片 School Promotional Video
学校招生宣传片 School Recruitment Video
教学管理 Academic Management
教务管理信息平台 Academic Affairs Information Platform
科研工作 Research Work
校企合作 School-Enterprise Cooperation
招生就业 Recruitment and Employment
招生专栏 Recruitment Column
创新创业就业专栏 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Employment Column
继续教育 Continuing Education
福州开放大学 Fuzhou Open University
继续教育学院 Continuing Education College
技能鉴定 Skill Assessment
党建思政 Party Building and Ideological and Political Work
纪检监察审计处 Discipline Inspection, Supervision, and Audit Office
党委工作部 Party Committee Work Department
学生工作处 Student Affairs Office
团委 Youth League Committee
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism
国际交流 International Exchange
人才引进 Talent Recruitment
专题栏目 Special Columns
学习二十大 Learning the 20th National Congress
反邪教专栏 Anti-Cult Column
“我为‘十四五’建言献策” “My Suggestions for the ‘Fourteenth Five-Year’ Plan”
院部导航 College Navigation
信息工程系 Department of Information Engineering
机电工程系 Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
交通工程系 Department of Transportation Engineering
建筑工程系 Department of Architectural Engineering
智能工程系 Department of Intelligent Engineering
商务系 Department of Business
文化旅游学院 School of Culture and Tourism
特殊教育系 Department of Special Education
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism
公共教育部 Department of Public Education
福州开放大学 Fuzhou Open University
继续教育中心 Continuing Education Center
部门导航 Department Navigation
党政办公室 Party and Government Office
党委组织部 Organization Department
党委宣传统战部 Publicity and United Front Work Department
人事处 Personnel Office
教务处 Academic Affairs Office
学生工作处 Student Affairs Office
后勤管理处 Logistics Management Office
财务处 Finance Office
保卫处 Security Office
纪检监察审计室 Discipline Inspection, Supervision, and Audit Room
工会 Trade Union
团委 Youth League Committee
图书馆 Library
信息技术中心 Information Technology Center
实验实训中心 Experimental and Practical Training Center
督导室 Supervision Office
校友会 Alumni Association
采购与招标中心 Procurement and Bidding Center
发展规划处 Development Planning Office
国际教育中心 International Education Center
科技处 Science and Technology Office
友情链接 Friendly Links
教育部网站 Ministry of Education Website
现代高等职业技术教育… Modern Higher Vocational and Technical Education…
福建省教育厅 Fujian Provincial Department of Education
福州市教育局 Fuzhou City Education Bureau
学校新闻 School News
励园传真 Li Yuan Fax
学校入选全国高等职业学校校长联席会议第七… School Selected for the 7th National Higher Vocational College Presidents’ Joint Conference…
警校同心 禁毒同行 Police and School United in Drug Prohibition
我校与福建省未成年人司… Our School Collaborates with the Fujian Provincial Department for Minors…
访企拓岗促就业 Visiting Enterprises to Expand Job Opportunities
学校开展访企拓岗调研交流… School Conducts Research and Exchanges on Enterprise Visits and Job Expansion…
学校召开2024届毕业生就业创业工作推进会 School Holds 2024 Graduate Employment and Entrepreneurship Promotion Meeting
学校召开党委会(扩大)会议暨党的建设工作会议… School Holds Expanded Party Committee Meeting and Party Building Work Conference…
福州职业技术学院 宁夏财经职业技术学院召… Fuzhou Vocational and Technical College, Ningxia Financial and Economics Vocational Technical College Invite…
学校参与第61届高博会高等教育改革发展成果… School Participates in the 61st Higher Education Expo on Higher Education Reform and Development Achievements…
聚焦第61届高博会 Focus on the 61st Higher Education Expo
全国金融智能网络行业产… National Financial Intelligence Network Industry…
校领导带队看望泉州校友并走访校友企业 School Leaders Visit Quanzhou Alumni and Visit Alumni Enterprises
校领导带队赴黎明职业大学考察交流 School Leaders Lead a Visit to Liming Vocational College for Exchange
学校开展第二批赴同济大学交流人员学习经验… School Launches Second Batch of Exchange Participants to Tongji University for Learning Experience…
学校召开工业(产业)园区校地合作对接交流… School Holds Industrial (Industrial) Park School-Land Cooperation Docking Exchange…
校工会举办“两代会”代表专题培训 School Trade Union Holds Special Training for “Two Generations” Representatives
学校召开社会服务工作推进会 School Holds Social Service Work Promotion Meeting
学校举办党务干部培训专题讲座 School Holds Party Affairs Cadre Training Lecture
学校召开思想政治理论课建设推进会暨“形势… School Holds Ideological and Political Theory Class Construction Promotion Meeting and “Situation…”
学校召开2024年第一季度综治安全工作会议暨… School Holds the First Quarter Comprehensive Governance and Safety Work Conference of 2024…
福建开放大学领导一行来校走访调研 Leaders from Fujian Open University Visit and Research the School
十大专项行动 Ten Major Actions
学校召开“励园馨居”学生宿舍创建协调会暨… School Holds “Li Yuan Xin Ju” Student Dormitory Creation Coordination Meeting and…
闽清县赵春荣县长一行来校参观交流 A Delegation Led by Zhao Chunrong, the Head of Minqing County, Visits the School for Exchange
供需适配强服务,春季攻坚促就业 Strong Service Matching Supply and Demand, Spring Offensive to Promote Employment
学校召开2024年全面从严治党工作会议 School Holds 2024 Comprehensive Strict Governance of the Party Work Conference
周宁职业中专学校师生来校开展“研学之旅”… Teachers and Students from Zhouning Vocational Secondary School Visit the School for a “Study Tour”…
福州经济技术开发区管委会、马尾区政府领导… Leaders of the Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and the Mawei District Government…
我校圆满完成2024年福建省高职院校分类考试… Our School Successfully Completes the 2024 Fujian Province Higher Vocational Colleges Classification Exam…
校党委书记王建生带队赴云南职业院校考察交… Party Committee Secretary Wang Jiansheng Leads a Team to Yunnan Vocational Colleges for Inspection and Exchange…
高校毕业生就业协会教育数字化服务工作委员… College Graduate Employment Association Education Digitalization Service Work Committee…
学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会召开五周年 The 5th Anniversary of the School’s Ideological and Political Theory Class Teachers’ Symposium
校领导带队赴福清龙华职业中专学校考察交流 School Leaders Lead a Visit to Fuqing Longhua Vocational Secondary School for Exchange
校领导带队赴福清融侨经济技术开发区考察交… School Leaders Lead a Visit to the Fuqing Rongqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone for Exchange…
福建省第二批省级“智慧校园试点校”建设评… Fujian Province’s Second Batch of Provincial “Smart Campus Pilot School” Construction Evaluation…
喜报 Good News
我校江允英同志被授予“福州市三八红旗手”… Comrade Jiang Yunying of Our School is Awarded the “Fuzhou City March 8th Red Flag Hand”…
我校举行2024年春季征兵入伍大学生欢送会 Our School Holds a Farewell Meeting for College Students Enlisting in the Spring of 2024
抓重点、正教风、争上游 Focus on Key Points, Uphold Teaching Standards, Strive for the Best
我校召开2023-2024学年第一学期教学工作会议 Our School Holds the First Semester Teaching Work Conference of the 2023-2024 Academic Year
访企拓岗促就业 Visiting Enterprises to Expand Job Opportunities
我校开展文旅企业进校园交流活动 Our School Launches Cultural and Tourism Enterprises into Campus Exchange Activities
重温“3·18”重大讲话精神 Reviewing the Spirit of
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