Homeage 开源项目教程
Homeage 开源项目教程 homeageruntime decrypted age secrets for nix home manager项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ho/homeage 项目介绍 Home...
Chromecast API 使用教程
Chromecast API 使用教程 chromecast-api:tv: Chromecast Node.js module项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ch/chromecast-api 项目介绍 chromec...
静音门铃开源项目教程 silent-doorbellA $5 silent doorbell adapted from an Amazon Dash button项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/si/silent-door...
PSMQTT 项目使用教程
PSMQTT 项目使用教程 psmqttUtility reporting system health and status via MQTT项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ps/psmqtt 1、项目介绍 PSM...
YAHM 开源项目教程
YAHM 开源项目教程 YAHMYet Another Homematic Management - Skripte zur Einrichtung der Homematic CCU Oberfläche in einem LXC Container unter Debian...
HASS Workstation Service 使用教程
HASS Workstation Service 使用教程 hass-workstation-serviceProvide useful sensors and services from your workstation to Home Assistant. 项目地址:h...
ZhiMsg 项目教程
ZhiMsg 项目教程 ZhiMsgUniform Message Platform for HomeAssistant项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/zh/ZhiMsg 1、项目介绍 ZhiMsg 是一个为 ...
Nodecastor 使用教程
Nodecastor 使用教程 nodecastorExperiment to implement a sender API for Chromecast in Node.js项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/no/nodecastor...
VolantMQ 使用教程
VolantMQ 使用教程 volantmqHigh-Performance MQTT Server项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/vo/volantmq 1、项目介绍 VolantMQ 是一个高性能的 ...
jsHue 开源项目教程
jsHue 开源项目教程 jshuejavascript library for philips hue项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/js/jshue 项目介绍 jsHue 是一个用于 Philips H...