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vmware vcenter server licenses

vmware vcenter server foundation supports the management of up to three vsphere hosts.(3个服务器以下买基本版)

vmware vcenter server standard,which includes all functionality and does not havpreset limit on the number of vsphere hosts it can manage (although normal sizing limits apply).vcenter orchestrator is only included in the standard edition of vcenter server.(3个以上买标准版)


vmware vsphere licenses(物理cpu个数买多少授权跟核数主频没关系)

vsphere standard edition:vram entitlement of 32 gb(标准版授权一个授权最多给vm关联内存32g)

vsphere enterprise edition:vram entitlement of 64 gb(企业版授权一个授权最多给vm关联内存64g)

vsphere enterprise plus edition:vram entitlement of 96 gb(企业加版授权一个授权最多给vm关联内存96g)

these vram entitlements are per license of vsphere 5,and vsphere 5 continues to be licensed on a per-processor basis(相应的功能区别)



essentials kits

the essentials kits are all-in-one solutions for small environments(up to three hosts with two cpus each)available in two editions-essentials and essentials plus.both editions include vmware vsphere processor lincenses and vmware vcenter server for essentials for an environment of up to three hosts(up to 2 cpus each)and maximum pooled vram capacity of 192gb(32gb*6 vmware vsphere essentials cpu licenses).essentials scalability limits are productenforced and canot be extended other than by upgrading the whole kit to higher-end bundle(see upgrades sections,below).vmware vsphere essentials and essentials plus kits are self-contained solutions and many not be decoupled,or combined with other vmware vsphere edittions.(打包销售版essentials、 essentials plus、 standard ak、 enterprise ak、 enterprtse plus ak)既有vcenter授权也有exsi授权只适用一个站点3个主机2个cpu)

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